Filling out this form can be life changing. Well, maybe not life changing for you, but might be life changing for the person your ministry will impact.
Please help us, help you by giving as much detail as possible to make your communications more effective. :)
Deadlines for Communication Requests:
Newsflashes will be sent on Wednesdays: Submit information one week prior (the Wednesday before at the latest)
Printed Announcements - Sunday morning Worship: Submit information two weeks prior
COS Magazine: March 6 for Spring (April, May, June), then June 5 for summer (July, August, Sept), Sept 5 for fall (Oct, Nov) and Nov 6 for Advent.
All other forms of communication (including but not limited to Pulpit Announcements, Social Media and Promotion Videos) will be decided upon at the discretion of the Worship and Communication Teams. Please include any requests for these (and other) for ms of communication in your initial Communication Request Form. If you have any questions, please contact Samantha Zeisler, Director of Communication,
Click here to fill out the Communications Request Form!