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Business Meeting


Interested in serving on the Servant Leadership Board?  Interested in serving on other teams?

Servant Leadership Board

Mission:  Protect and champion the vision and values of Church of the Saviour United Methodist.  Enable and lead Church of the Saviour in making disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the church, community, and world. 

Purpose:  To envision, develop, support and communicate the strategic plan of Church of the Saviour United Methodist

Roles & Responsibilities

The Servant Leadership Board is the executive board of Church of the Saviour. Servant Leadership Board is responsible for all administrative roles/groups defined in the United Methodist Book of Discipline (Trustees, Staff-Parish, Finance, and Lay Leadership):

  • Recommendations to Church Conference regarding all land acquisitions, facility construction and significant legal obligations.

  • Servant Leadership Board members shall commit to regular attendance at board meetings.

  • Develop employee policies and advise administrative procedures.

  • Annually review benefit plans and approve changes. 

  • Approve and monitor the annual budget as recommended from leadership and finance team.

  • Assist Senior Pastor in evaluating organization structure and planning/executing changes.

  • As needed, the Servant Leadership Board will assemble task forces consisting of Servant Leadership Board members and/or other church members to carry out short term projects. (i.e. development of job descriptions, changes to personnel policy, budget development)

  • Annual review of Pastoral staff. 

  • Review pastors and leadership evaluation of ministry staff. (Performance and Job Descriptions).  Provide counsel to Pastors and Direct Managers.

  • Work with the District Superintendent and Bishop to secure clergy leadership to carry out the mission of Church of the Saviour. 

Selection to the Servant Leadership Board begins with an application (for application, click here) and ending with an election at the yearly Charge Conference.  Leaders serve for three years, and are assigned specific oversight responsibilities. Board members oversee various operation sub-teams that carry out the routine business of the church (i.e. Finance, Trustees). Below are Servant Leadership Board roles and responsibilities.

If you have any questions about the Servant Leadership Board, or if you would like to serve on the board, please contact Pastor Meshach Kanyion or our Servant Leadership Board Chair, Nermine Banke.

Other Servant Teams:

  • Finance: The Finance Team provides stewardship of financial resources to enable Church of the Saviour to meet its mission. They oversees the routine financial business of the church, including the yearly audit. They work with our Servant Leadership Board, contributions secretary and treasurer to ensure best financial practices and implementation of strategies for growing generous givers. A member of the finance team also serves on the Servant Leadership Board.   

  • Trustees: The Trustee team lead the supervision, oversight, and care for all real property and equipment owned by Church of the Saviour to enable our vision and goals. Trustees maintain the physical maintenance of church properties. They oversee the contracts and work of service and maintenance vendors. They oversee several operations teams (i.e. snow removal team, landscape team, painting team, technology team). The Chair of Trustees is a member of the Servant Leadership Team. 

  • Staff Parish Relations: Staff Parish Team oversees staffing policies and procedures. They work closely with the Senior Pastor for accountability, support, counsel, and encouragement. Staff Parish functions within the Servant Leadership Board, with board members specifically assigned the role of staff parish. 

  • Nominations: The Nominations Team make recommendations and build members of each servant team. They are responsible for identifying, nominating, and monitoring Church of the Saviour members as they serve as spiritual and servant leaders of the church. They ensure a diverse leadership group that is representative of the congregation  They also make recommendations to the Servant Leadership Board on potential new Board members. 

  • Endowment Team: The Endowment team receives and manages all bequests or gifts given to Church of the Saviour to provide financial resources to enable Church of the Saviour’s vision and goals. They Invest funds in conformity to laws of state and country. Invest funds in companies, corporations or funds that make positive contribution per Social Principles of the United Methodist Church. They develop strategies and plans to raise funds for Endowment to meet goals of Church of the Saviour. When sufficient excess funds exist, they seek input for use and award of funds.

  • Lay Leader: The Lay Leader serves as a liaison between church membership and the Board. They provide spiritual care for the laity and ensure the Board is aware of the needs of the laity. Currently this is an open position. 

If you have any questions or interest in our other servant teams, please contact Pastor Meshach Kanyion at  Per UM Discipline, the Senior Pastor serves as the chair of nominations. 


Current Servant Leadership Board

SLB Chair – Nermine Banke

Staff Parish Chair – Mark Combs

Finance Chair – Larry Brueshaber

Trustee Liaison – Rick Huff

Allison Dubbs

Dave Shardelow

Chris Philpott

Kevin Josche

Katie Loew

Sarah Davis

Senior Pastor – Meshach Kanyion

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