Church of the Saviour Justice Team
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness. - Micah 6:8
Did you know that Methodists have a long history on social and justice ministry? John Wesley made ministry to the poor and vulnerable a priority in the early Methodist movement. This has carried forward to the church today. Most of us are probably not aware that The Book of Discipline for the United Methodist Church contains Social Principles to guide our response to societal issues. These principles cover a range of topics such as Human & Criminal Rights, Environment justice, Economic issues, Health & Wellness and Women & Children issues. As one reads the Social Principles, you may agree or disagree with some of the principles, but these principles can be a starting point for dialogue, prayer, and action towards our mission as disciples.
In 2020, Pastor Vicki Robinson restarted the Social Justice Committee in Church of the Saviour with a small group of members who had passion for social justice issues. The goal was to increase our awareness and action on Social Justice issues. Initial efforts focused on the principle of Human Rights with education programs aligned with the United Methodist Church initiative on Dismantling Racism. Five programs were held in 2020-21 primarily on Zoom during the Covid restrictions. We joined with other churches in the West Ohio conference in many of the programs.
During the past year, we participated in the Martin Luther King celebration and helped with voter registration. We also are helping to form a Justice Network Team with other churches in the Ohio River Valley District to find opportunities where we can collaborate on education and action. As we enter the New Year, we plan to add a focus on Affordable Housing & Homelessness. New programs and events in 2023 will be announced in the Worship Bulletin and News Flash.
If you have interest in becoming more involved in areas of Social Justice, please contact Russ Naber (naberrb@gmail.com)
Justice Team:
Allison Dubbs, Linda Wulff, Karen VanWagenen, Euphazine Reid Kendall, Lora Swedberg, Russ Naber (Chairperson)