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Project 5000 2024.png
Project 5000 2024.png

Project 5000 is founded on an unforgettable experience in the life of Jesus....the feeding of the 5,000.  Jesus took the five loaves and two fish offered by a small boy and multiplied them to provide more than enough food for the multitude of 5,000.  Given the growing needs of our community, Church of the Saviour United Women in Faith are sponsoring our annual Project 5000 food drive.  This is a wonderful way for your family to spend tine sharing with others and sharing our love of Jesus. 

On February 11 and 18, after each service, food bags will be distributed in the Fellowship Hall with a list of non-perishable food items to purchase.  If you'd prefer to make a cash donation in lieu of purchasing food, you can donate money here or mail a check to the church payable to COS-UWF and write "Project 5000" in the memo line.

Return bags on Sunday, February 25th (9:00am - 11:00 am). 

Food and monetary donations will be distributed to local food pantries at York Street UMC, State Ave UMC, New Vision UMC, Wesley Education Center, Princeton Closet, NEEDS and Blue Ash Backpack Bundles.

We are also looking for volunteers to help distribute food bags at church, collect food and drivers are needed to take food to the pantries. 

Contact Karen VanWagenen (513-325-2849 or if you have questions or need help signing up. 

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