Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry

This year marks David Anderson’s 20th anniversary in music leadership at Church of the Saviour. We have been affected by his musicianship, friendship, and humor. You have the opportunity to contribute to the commission of a choral anthem in his honor.
David’s "go-to" composers for his church and school ensembles is Victor Johnson from Dallas, TX. He is composing music for the anthem. Our own Emily Sweeney has written the text for this anthem based on her interpretation of Isaiah 40:28-31. The title is Soar Beyond which ties directly to this year’s choir theme Take Flight! Our youth choir will premiere this work on this summer’s choir tour.
The total cost of the project is $4,000. We’d like everyone whose life has been impacted by David’s leadership to have a chance to contribute. Please make a donation to Church of the Saviour to help cover the cost of the commission. Any money received above the cost of the project will be directed to youth choir tour funds for next summer’s expenses.
Ways to Contribute
Make contributions by Feb. 28, 2025
Make check payable to Church of the Saviour
Add “Anderson Commission” to the memo line
Return to the church office
Login to your Realm Connect account
Select “Giving” from the left menu
Click the blue +Give button
Choose amount; use the Fund dropdown menu to choose “Anderson Commission”
Send contribution to @cos-umc
Include “Anderson Commission” in the comments section
Consider adding 2% to cover transaction fee
Thank you for your support and recognition of David Anderson’s ministry.